Head over to Dollar General and grab this digital deal!

- Buy (1) Maybelline Line Express Eyeliner – $3.75
- Use $2/1 Maybelline New York Eye or Face item, Exp. 8/06/22, DGSQ (visual provided below)
- Use $2/1 Maybelline New York product, Exp. 8/13/22, DGDQ (visual provided below)
- Pay 01¢ + tax OOP
🚨 Store discounts do NOT give overages (they’ll only make an item a penny) the $2/1 MQ will come off and then $1.74 in store discounts 🚨
DGDQ visual 👇🏻

Check out other digital deals at Dollar General here
Maybelline Line Express Eyeliner 01¢ @ Dollar General thru 8.06.22