DGCash is not available on all accounts at this time.
If you do not receive DGCash offers, the same offers are available on Ibotta. In order to redeem Ibotta offers at Dollar General, you must link your DG account and clip offers PRIOR to purchase!

Click PAY NOW 👆🏻

Click Pay With Gift Card

Click Barcode

Barcode can be found in app under Wallet, click Yellow DGCash box at top

- Tell the cashier you’d like to pay with DGCash
- If they don’t know what you’re talking about, tell them “it’s processed as a gift card”
- If they still don’t understand, tell them to hit total and then F4
- How do I earn DGCash?
- By clipping Cash Back offers on the DG app and purchasing said items.
- You MUST enter your phone number associated with your account
- DG Cashback offers look like this 👇🏻
- By clipping Cash Back offers on the DG app and purchasing said items.

- Do I need to enter my phone number to earn DGCash?
- YES! You must have the offers clipped to your account and enter your phone number at checkout to earn DGCash.
- Will I earn DGCash if I use a digital coupon as well?
- If you’re attempting to stack a MANUFACTURER digital with a cashback offer, example $1/1 DQ & $1 cashback wyb1, NO. But if you were to purchase 2 items, yes you’d get the cashback!
- DG STORE digitals DO stack with cashback offers!
- Do I need to enter my number to use my DGCash?
- No! You only have to scan the barcode from your app. It is located under Wallet, then click Scan to spend.
- If you have more than one account, we will refer to them as A and B. Say you have $5.00 DG Cash on account A. You are at the register using account B, you CAN use the DG Cash from account A to pay for account B transaction!
- Can I use my DGCash on a transaction that is using a different account phone number?
- Yes! Your DGCash goes onto the account you used during the transaction to earn it, but you can pay with it for ANY transaction as it’s processed as a gift card.
- If my total is less than the amount of DGCash I have, will it take it all?
- No, it will only take the amount of your purchase and the remainder will remain on your account.
- Does it give you the option on how much of your DGCash to use?
- It does not. If your transaction total is LESS than the amount of DGCash you have, it will only take that amount. If your transaction is MORE than the amount of DGCash you have, it will take all of your DGCash and you will have to use another payment method for the remaining balance due.
DGCash EXPLAINED @ Dollar General