Want to learn how to penny shop at Dollar General?
FIRST, let me start with this: penny shopping takes WORK!! No one is going to spoon feed you penny items. It takes research and observation!
Penny shopping is NOT a sale!!
Penny items are items that are supposed to be pulled from the shelves but employees did not.
Items on penny lists do not penny until TUESDAY morning! Once they penny you can purchase them ANY DAY. Items will stay at that price until they are reset – which can happen at anytime, always make sure you’re scanning with your DG app to be safe.
Every state has this however YMMV. Something that is a penny at one store may not be at another store.
As of late, items that are set to penny on Tuesday have not been ringing correctly at updated registers (no keyboard) and self checkout. Sometimes however, they will ring for full price and TOTAL MUST BE HIT for a promotion to come off of them making them a penny.

Typically, items become a penny after continued markdowns. For example: certain dots or seasonal categories will be discounted to 25% in the first week, 50% in the second week, 75% in the third week, 90% in the fourth week and in the fifth week they will penny out. These markdowns do not always happen in consecutive weeks but once the markdowns start, rest assured those items will eventually penny out.
Do NOT EVER go into a store and ask any sort of questions related to penny items 🚫
Do NOT ransack a store EVER! Be respectful and pick up after yourselves 💛
The trick to penny shopping is in the DETAILS!! Do not go into the store and just expect random items to be a penny because 99% of the time, you will be wrong.
Most penny lists will contain upcs, sometimes you will have to match those to items in your store. Other times it’s the packaging, shapes, colors, tags, and year.
Typically, there will be items that are the same but have different shapes and colors. For example: the exact same wallets can be yellow dot and blue dot.
When people post penny items, SCREENSHOT them!! Then take those and compare with items at your store.
Join our Facebook group Penny Shopping Divas of Dollar General
Use your Dollar General app to scan items in store to confirm they are a penny. Previously, they actually showed a penny, now they show as $0.00.

🚨 True penny items show as $0.00 when SCANNED WITH THE APP. If you place something on your list and it shows $0.00 IT IS NOT A PENNY ITEM – that is the app only acting as thou that store does not carry that item. The app is ran by a 3rd party and the inventory cannot be relied upon!
- These differ from regular penny items as it has to do with that section being reset by either employees or Driveline.
- Freezer/Cooler items will penny on MONDAYS!!
- Not all stores will penny at the same time however, but it will be over a 4 week period!
- CONTINUE checking your stores EVERY MONDAY to see if they’ve hit a penny!
- Put in the legwork!! THIS IS IMPORTANT!!
- Every single time you stop at your local DG, take a gander around at the seasonal categories. See what’s out, pick things up, look at the tags, and note where stuff is located.
- The more you expose yourself, the easier it will be for you to quickly spot these items in store when they hit a penny!
- I post TONS of visuals for all seasonal categories & others that penny here on my website. I typically start posting those as soon as I see them getting put out so I have an entire collection to share with you guys when the time comes 💗
- Scroll down to the bottom of the DG Clearance page for categories that have yet to start their clearance markdowns!
- Scope out your stores a day or so BEFORE items are going to penny to see if they have anything. This will help you get a game plan together of what stores to hit, in what order & whether to stop at them at all.
If you find a penny item, grab ALL of them 😊 If you don’t once the cashier sees the item ring up as a penny they will go and pull the rest of the items. If you try and beat them back there, they CAN and WILL refuse to sell you those.
If an item is NOT a penny, politely ask to have it taken off with some excuse as to I no longer want it or I thought it was on sale, etc. Do NOT ever argue and say it should be a penny‼️Apologize and offer to put the item back. This is common courtesy and will help build positive relationships with your local DG employees.
Do NOT be rude to your cashier‼️If they argue with you, stand your ground! They HAVE to sell whatever penny items you bring up to the register. The only exception to this is expired food & medicine or recalled items.
Always have a copy of the penny policy on hand! See below for a copy of it 👇🏻
Do NOT, I repeat do NOT EVER call corporate over penny items‼️All this does is alert them more to it and cause unnecessary drama. If a million people keep calling corporate over penny items eventually they could stop doing it.
If you have an extremely rude cashier, buy a cheap item and complete the survey at the end of the receipt.
If you’re okay with buying expired food or medicine, don’t let the Exp date stop you from trying to purchase them! Most stores do not check the dates.