- Toys included:
- Yellow Dot
- Blue Dot
- Yellow Star
- Blue Star
- This sale cannot be combined with spend $75, save 25% off offer according to fine print in ad
🚨🚨 The best way to utilize this sale is by purchasing same priced items together, as the store discounts for the sale will come off the LOWEST priced items!
Say for example, you purchase (2) $5 items and (2) $1 items, the store discounts for the sale will come off of the (2) $1 items.
I have provided you a price chart at the bottom of this page showing you what you’ll pay when purchasing (2) items of the same price. JUMP DIRECTLY TO IT BY CLICKING HERE
This post will be updated if I find more toys at other stores so keep checking back 🙂
Jump to specific categories:
- Plushies
- Baby/Toddler Toys
- Girl Toys
- Boy Toys
- Playdoh/Slime/Sand/ASMR Items
- Activity/Craft Sets
- Games & Puzzles

Baby/Toddlers Toys:

Girl Toys:

Boy Toys:

Playdoh/Slime/Sand/ASMR Items:

Activity/Craft Sets:

Games & Puzzles:


BOGO 75% Off Toy Sale & Visuals @ Dollar General 11.03.22 – 11.05.22