$1.00 OVERAGE on Crest ProHealth Toothpaste @ Dollar General thru 8.27.22

Head over to Dollar General and grab this digital deal!

  • Buy (2) Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste 3.3oz – $1.00 each
  • Subtotal = $2.00
  • Use $3/2 Crest, Exp. 8/27/22, DGDQ (visual provided below)
  • $1.00 OVERAGE

DGDQ visual πŸ‘‡πŸ»

🚨 Dollar General policy does NOT allow cashback, you must purchase an additional item to cover the overage. It will allow your subtotal to be negative and deduct it from taxes. For example: subtotal -$1.00, taxes are $1.01, you would pay just 01’.
🚨 Self checkout and new registers (prints receipt that looks like SCO) do NOT give overage, they only make the item free!

Check out other digital deals at Dollar General here

$1.00 OVERAGE on Crest ProHealth Toothpaste @ Dollar General thru 8.27.22
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